
menu: (Menu_Windows Windows) -> (../images/Menu/Menu_TimeLine.png Timeline)

Timeline is the heart of the application. It is used to arrange sound, light and media.
Tracks od the Timeline
Definition "Object"
Creating sound-, light- and media objects
The representatipn of sound-, light- and media objects
The PlayCursors
The automatic scrolling of theTimeline
Working with Objects
Selecting Objects
Delete, copy and move selected Objects
The Editimode- during the running Show
Arranging Objects
The special objects: Szene transitions (Scenebridges)
Main Scene transition
Important rules for Scene transitions
Programatic jumps (Loops,..)
Supplement: Explanantion of the toolbars sound. light and media
Changing the recorded time
Scene transitions and the scene book
Precalcultion of light scenes
The DMX (Light) Precalculation in the Timeline

Tracks of the Timeline

../images/Timeline_Tracks_Content.pngThe Timeline consists of three areas, each with several tracks:
in the upper section, music pieces can be arranged,
in the middle range light ambiences can be arranged
and media (pictures / videos) can be arranged in the lower area.


Sound data, lighting moods and media data can be added to the three areas, which can then be arranged in the Timeline as independent objects. A project is divided by scene transitions (scene bridges) which have a special functionality - see below.
The three sections of the Timeline can be played independently.
Main scene transitions allow a synchronous start of a scene.

Definition "Object":

There are different data sources for sound, light and media. For sound, these can be areas from a sound file; in the case of light, these are stored light scenes. For media, these are areas from a video, image or text file.
When data from a source is dragged into the timeline, an object (sound light or media object) is created.
The objects are represented in the timeline and are independent of each other. That is, Fade settings etc. are set and stored for each object, even if the different objects have the same sources.

Creating sound, light and media objects

In the upper area you can drag in the music with the mouse (Sound file view). This creates a sound object in the timeline.
In the middle area, you can drag a light ambience with the mouse (DMX Light ambiences).  A light object is then generated from the light ambience.
In the lower area, you can drag sections of a video or an image (Medien file view). A media object is then created from the video / image. In addition, triggers can be dragged from the trigger view into a media track.

See also:
Tutorial Sound
Tutorial DMX
Tutorial Media

The representation of sound, light and media objects

Sound, light, and media objects are displayed in rectangular areas. Sound objects represent their contents as envelope curves, light objects are simply filled with yellow and media objects show the initial image, the middle image and the final image of a video area, or an image / text three times.
The data source is displayed in the lower part of the objects. For sound and media objects, this is the filename and for light objects, this is the name of the light ambience.
Each object can be assigned its own name (object settings), which is displayed in the upper part.

../images/Sound_Object.png  ../images/DMX_Object.png  ../images/Media_Object.png

Note: If you right-click on an object, a ToolTip window opens, in which certain properties of the object are displayed.
If you double-click on an object with the left mouse button, a window opens with the object settings.
If you click with the left mouse button in the lower half of an object, this object is selected - see below.

The PlayCursors

There are three PlayCursor, one for the sound one for light and one for media. The playcurs are asynchronous, which means they are independent of each other and can be stopped and started separately.
In addition there are editing cursors (shown in red) for sound light and for media, which can only be seen when the editing mode  is activated.

A PlayCursor can be set by:

+ clicking with the left mouse button in the time bar All play cursors are set to the same position.
+ moving the mouse to the left or right in the time bar with the left mouse button pressed. All playcursors move with.

+ clicking in the area of a track where no object is located (sound, light or media cursor). Here, only the corresponding play cursor is set.
clicking in the upper area of an object (mouse universal mode or playcursor mode - see "Selecting objects"). Here, only the corresponding play cursor is set.


The timeline is played using the play buttons in the Timeline toolbar
You can also play alternatively over:


There is a scroll bar in the bottom section of the Timeline.

Increases the vertical zoom factor
 Decreases the vertical zoom factor
By clicking the button Button_ZoomAutomatic_On you can switch the automatic tracking of a PlayCursor on and off.
The background and the text display the respective status:
Button_ZoomAutomatic_Off Tracking is disabled
Button_ZoomAutomatic_On Tracking is enabled
Button_ZoomAutomatic_Blocked By moving the scroll bar, you have moved the visible area so far that the PlayCursor is no longer visible - tracking is temporarily switched off. Click on Button_ZoomAutomatic_Blocked to recapture the PlayCursor.
ResizeFrame Change the window size
Alternatively, you can also zoom with the mouse wheel. or ModusZoomPlus , ModusZoomMinus - see Select and move Objects.

The automatic scrolling of the timeline

If the Timeline is not a complete project, and if a PlayCursor runs out of the Timeline area or if a jump to a scene transition occurs, the Timeline can be scrolled automatically.
The automatic scrolling can be set using the following toolbar.

Button_ScrollSound The sound cursor is tracked
Button_ScrollDMX The light cursor is tracked
../images/Timeline/Button_Scroll_Media.png The media cursor is tracked

Undo Redo

All changes in the timeline and the objects are recorded:
Button_Undo The changes are reversed
Button_Redo The changes are restored

Note: To save internal RAM space, the Undo is limited to the last 5 changes.

Working with Objects

A double-click on an object opens a window in which the properties of the object can be set. Depending on the object type there are additional settings. For media objects, e.g. you can set the media server on which the object is to be reproduced.
Basic properties, (length, fade in / out, ..) can be set in the Timeline directly at the object.

Selecting objects

Basically, objects can only be moved if they are selected - this prevents accidental movement.
The objects are divided into invisible areas:
DMXObject_AreaWith the white-bordered surfaces, the objects can be lengthened or shortened

If you are in the mouse universal mode
ModusUniversal, an object can be marked with the blue-bordered area, the area between the white surfaces is used to set the PlayCursor.

Objects can be selected in principle by clicking with the left mouse button in the lower part of an object.
You can add more objects to the selection by holding down the "Shift" or "Ctrl" keys.

There is a section in the toolbar where different selection modes can be set::

ModusUniversal DMXObject_Area
Universal mode: Click on the upper half of an object (between the white surfaces) to set the PlayCursor.
Clicking in the lower half of an object (blue area) selects the object, the previous selection is deleted.
If you press Shift or Strg/Ctrl, you can add more objects to the selection, or remove selected objects from the selection.

If the 'Alt' key is pressed (under Windows also 'Alt Gr' key), there are two cases:
  • If the object has not yet been selected, all objects starting at the same position or later are selected. The previous selection is deleted.
    (This corresponds toModusSelectFrom)
  • If the object is selected, all objects with the same or a higher starting position are removed from the selection.
    (This corresponds to  ModusSelectFromMinus)
ModusCursor Selecting objects is disabled, only the PlayCursor is set.
ModusSelect Setting the PlayCursor is switched off; only objects are selected.
If you press Shift or Strg/Ctrl, you can add more objects to the selection, or remove selected objects from the selection.

If the 'Alt' key is pressed (under Windows also 'Alt Gr' key), there are two cases:
  • If the object has not yet been selected, all objects starting at the same position or later are selected. The previous selection is deleted.
    (This corresponds toModusSelectFrom)
  • If the object is selected, all objects with the same or a higher starting position are removed from the selection.
    (This corresponds to  ModusSelectFromMinus)
ModusSelectPlus Individual objects are added to the selection
MpdusSelectMinus Individual objects are removed from the selection
ModusSelectFrom All objects starting at the same position or later are selected. The previous selection is deleted.
This selects all objects from the starting point of the clicked object to the end of the timeline.
ModusSelectFromPlus All objects that have the same or higher starting position are added to the selection.
ModusSelectFromMinus All objects that have the same or higher starting position are removed from the selection.
ModusSelectFromMinus Opens the window of the object groups.
In a object group, a selection of the timeline can be saved and restored.
This does not save the objects themselves, but only the selection made.
ModusZoomPlus Increases vertical zoom when you click in the Timeline
Alternatively, you can also zoom with the mouse wheel.
ModusZoomMinus Reduces vertical zoom when you click in the Timeline
Alternatively, you can also zoom with the mouse wheel.
Button_ZoomAll Resets the zoom, the entire project is displayed

One more way:
Move the mouse to a free area and hold down the left mouse button. If you now move the mouse over the objects, these are selected or removed from the selection:

the following rule applies:

Delete, copy, and move selected objects

Objects must be marked (selected), then they can be moved by dragging them with the left mouse button pressed. The objects can also be dragged to another track.

Snap in
When moving, the beginning of an object always snaps to certain points of other objects:
When multiple objects are selected, always the object, which is moved will snap in.
The FadeIn fadeout handles also snap to the same points of other objects!

Note: Snapping on other objects works across all three areas (sound, light and media)!

Deleting, copying and moving selected objects can be controlled by the following toolbar:


Button_Delete If only one object is selected, the object settings of the selected object are opened.
Button_Delete Deletes all selected objects
Button_CopySound Copies all selected objects
The copies are inserted at the position of the sound cursor
Button_CopyDMX Copies all selected objects
The copies are inserted at the position of the light cursor
../images/Timeline/Button_CopyPaste_MediaPosition.png Copies all selected objects
The copies are inserted at the position of the media cursor
Button_MoveSound Moves all selected objects to the location of the sound cursor
Button_MoveDMX Moves all selected objects to the location of the light cursor
../images/Timeline/Button_Move_MediaPosition.png Moves all selected objects to the location of the media cursor
Button_CursorEdit Turns the Edit mode off and on - see below.
In the editing mode during the running show, light ambiences etc. can be changed.

The Edit Mode - during the running show

The edit mode can be switched on and off using the button Button_CursorEdit.
In order to be able to edit objects while playing a show without having to stop the running show or to have to move the actual PlayCursor, there are editing cursors which are displayed in red strokes in addition to the PlayCursor.
If the editing mode is activated, the editing cursors can be set like the play cursors. All object processing possibilities now refer to the editing cursors and no longer on play cursors. The times in the playback control are then shown in red and indicate the positions of the editing cursors.

Note Light Area and the edit mode:
The values, which are changed via the device faders / controllers, are no longer sent directly to the devices!
The controller settings can still be stored in the light ambiences.
In the view of the light ambiences, light can be obtained without sending the values to the devices, only the controller positions are changed. Thus, lighting ambiences can be changed during the running show!

All windows, which get a changed functionality through the editing mode are represented with a red frame!

Arranging objects
Crossfade, for example:

All objects have handles for fade in, fade out, and volume (in the case of sound objects, this is the volume, and in the case of light objects, the dimmer channel is influenced).
DMXObject_FadersThese handles can be moved with the left mouse.
A double-click resets it to its default position.
The handles snap to object borders and fade handles of other objects!

Note: Arranging for sound and lighting objects is shown below, with media objects this works according to the same pattern!

Create two sound objects (see Creating objects) and place them in two different sound tracks, then move the objects so that they overlap slightly.
On the left object, move the handle for "FadeOut" to the left. The handle will snap into place at the beginning of the right object.
On the right-hand object, move the handle for "FadeIn" to the right. The handle will engage the end of the left object.
Anmerkung: Sound objects also snap to light or media objects and vice versa.

Crossfade_SoundThe sound will change softly from one piece to the other.

Create two light objects (see Creating objects) and place them in two different light tracks, then move the objects so that they overlap slightly.
On the left object, move the handle for "FadeOut" to the left. The handle will snap into place at the beginning of the right object.
On the right-hand object, move the handle for "FadeIn" to the right. The handle will engage the end of the left object.

Crossfade_DMXThe light will change softly from one piece to the other.

The light objects have a lighting ambience as sources. The DMX channel values of all devices are stored in a lighting ambience.
The transitions occur by adding the individual DMX channel values of the objects from each track.
By fading out the left-hand left object its channel values are sukseszive reduced.
By wrapping the right object, its channel values sukseszive are increased.
By adding the channel values, all the lamps blend from one ambience to the next.

As a rule:

If the co-fading is undesirable for a DMX channel value of a lamp, this can be changed in the fade characteristics of an object.
To do this, double-click on an object, the object settings window opens  Here you can define for each DMX channel how it should behave while fading.

The combination of sound and light:
To combine sound and light, you simply have to arrange the objects in the sound and light tracks one above the other. In the above example, to achieve a simultaneous crossfade of sound and light, you must create the overlapping of the sound and light objects of the same size and arrange them exactly below each other. An object start or the handles always snap to the object borders and handles of other objects (over all tracks)!
Sound and light will overlap at the same time,

as long as the PlayCursors runs in parallel.

Note If you double-click on an object, a window opens with the object settings in which all object properties can be entered alphanumerically.

The sound, light and media trails mix objects on top of each other, something different:

The special objects: scene transitions (scene bridges)

For a show, sound, light or media objects are arranged for the individual parts in the timeline. The show would now run off in one piece. If you put the playcursor, then the sound, the light or the media change abruptly.
Since not always all scenes or numbers are exactly timed, one will have to jump during a performance from one point of the timeline to another.
To make this jump softer, there are special objects - the scene transitions = scenebridges.

Scene transitions are available for sound, light and media. But there are also combined scenes transitions (main scene transitions), together for sound and light and media.

Scene Transitions
Scene transitions extend across all tracks and are shown transparently.
Stop Here, you can determine whether the corresponding PlayCursor stops or continues to run when the scene transition is reached.
Active Here, you can determine whether the scene transition is active (played) or whether the play cursor jumps to the next scene transition when the scene transition is reached.
FadeOut Offset This is where the FadeOut starts.
FadeOut End This is where the FadeOut ends.
FadeIn Start This is where the FadeIn starts.
FadeIn End This is where the FadeIn ends.
Volume Here can:
For sound objects the volume,
the brightness (dimmer factor) for light objects
and the transparency for media objects
be set.

This change will be applied to all selected scene transitions of the Timeline!!

Note If you double-click on an scenebridge, a window opens with the object settings in which all object properties can be entered alphanumerically.

Creating scene transitions:

There is a toolbar for the three areas Sound, Light and Median.

In each toolbar, there are two buttons:

Button_SceneBridge Creates a new sound scene transition at the position of the PlayCursor (sound, light or media).
Button_MainSceneBridge Creates a new main scene transition at the position of the PlayCursor (sound, light or media).

The representation of the scene transitions and the mode of operation of scene transitions:
Scenario transitions, unlike sound, light, and media objects, do not have sources, they refer their data directly from the objects in the timeline.
As an example we consider the sound crossfade with scene transition - in the case of the light transitions and the media transitions it functions analogously:

Create two sound objects (see creating objects) and place them in two different sound tracks, then move the objects so that they overlap something.
Leave the fade handles on their position.
Bring the PlayCursor near the beginning of the right object.
 Create a sound scene transition ../images/Timeline/Button_SceneBridge.png and remove the stopper (red box, upper left).

Move or decrease, increase the scene transition so that scene transition begins with the right object and ends with the left object.
This is relatively easy to accomplish since there is snapping at the object boundaries.

When the timeline is played, you will now hear a crossfade.

Compared to the previous example of crossfades without scene transition, however, there is now a marked difference.
You can start the scene transition no matter where the PlayCursor is.
(In the playcontrols, there are buttons for jumps to scene transitions or scene transitions can be directly controlled in the scene book - see Playing)

If the PlayCursor is located elsewhere in the Timeline, the source material is fadet out and the objects that start below the PlayCursor are fedet in.
If you have a scene transition of 4s duration and if the PlayCursor is located somewhere in the Timeline, the current position of the PlayCursor will continue the material for 4s and fade out, at the same time the material that starts below the scene transition will be fadet in.


Main scene transitions

We mentioned above, there are scene transitions for sound and for light. There are, however, also coupled scene transitions for sound and light and media together - main scene transitions .
These main scene transitions are shown in red and extend over the sound, light and media tracks.
A main scene transition consists of a sound scene transition, a light scene transition, and a media scene transition. The starting position, the length, the stopper and the active property are coupled, otherwise they must be adjusted separately.
This means moving, stretching or shortening has the same effect on all parts, but FadeIn, FadeOut or Jumps are handled separately for the sound, light and media parts!
In a main scene transitions, all scene transitions (sound, light and media) are always started at the same time.

The following rules apply to the fade in and fade out of scene transitions:
1.) ../images/Timeline/SceneBridge_Rule1.png
The object extends in the scene transition but ends before the end of the scene transition
The object is fadet out
2.) ../images/Timeline/SceneBridge_Rule2.png
The object starts within a scene transition and extends beyond the scene transition.
The object is fadet in
3.)  ../images/Timeline/SceneBridge_Rule3.png
The object extends over a scene transition
The object is fadet out and fadet in.

4.) ../images/Timeline/SceneBridge_Rule4.png
An object is completely within a scene transition
The object is fadet in, it starts within the scene transition - see 2.)

Scene transitions can be started via the sequence buttons or via the scene book - see Playing.
1.) ../images/Timeline/SceneBridge_RulePlay1.png
The scene transitions start at the same position
All scene transitions are started when one of them is started.
This is the case for main transitions, since here the sound, light and media scene transition always begin at the same position.
However, individual scene transitions (either sound, light, and / or media scene transitions) starting at the same position start together when one of them is started.
2,)  ../images/Timeline/SceneBridge_RulePlay2.png
The scene transitions start at different positions
The scene transitions start independently.
It only starts a single scene transition at a time.
Note The rules apply only if a scene transition is started with the sequence buttons or via the scene book.
They do not apply when the PlayCursor enters the scene transition (this occurs when the scene transition stopper is not set).

Important rule for scene transitions

If two scene transitions are placed too close together or even overlapped in the timeline, these transitions are represented by an orange cross:

Programmatic jumps (loops, ...)

For the properties of a scene transition, you can also define jump destinations for other scene transitions. These jumps are executed before the PlayCursor enters a scene transition.
See object settings

In the list, all scene transitions are listed in order. If you do not want to jump, set "---".

Although main scene transitions are coupled, but certain features, such as the jumps, must be set separately for the sound, light, and media parts.

A loop is created when you select a jump destination that is further ahead in the timeline.

If the stopper is set for the target scene 
transition, the cursor stops directly before the target scene transition.
If the stopper is NOT set for the target scene 
transition, the target scene transition is started directly when a jump is made.

Jumps are displayed in the scene transitions in the timeline and the scene book.

Jump_SceneBridge Jump_SceneBook
By clicking on the symbol Jump_Activea jump can also be deactivated and activated again, the symbol changes its appearance accordingly:
Jump_Active The jump is activated and is executed when the PlayCursor reaches the scene transition
Jump_Inactive The jump is disabled and is NOT executed


 Supplement: Explanation of the toolbar for sound, light and media


Button_SceneBridge Creates a new sound scene transition at the position of the sound PlayCursor
Button_MainSceneBridge Creates a new main scene transition at the position of the sound PlayCursor

Enables or disables the entire sound (green = activated, red = disabled)
When a sound is deactivated, no sound is played - even if there are sound objects
Button_SoundHD Opens the sound file views of all selected Sound objects
Button_SoundLoad Opens a sound file
Before you use a sound file, make sure that the filename contains, e.g. the artist, the album, and the song title in the filename. Thus, the file is clearly identifiable.
If you load sound files with the same names from different locations, this will cause conflicts.

Button_VIP_Add An additional soundtrack is generated
Button_VIP_Remove All sound tracks that do not contain sound objects are deleted

Button_SceneBridge Creates a new light scene transition at the position of the light PlayCursor
Button_MainSceneBridge Creates a new main scene transition at the position of the light PlayCursor

Enables or disables the entire light (green = activated, red = disabled)
When the light is deactivated, no light is emitted - even if light objects are present
All values of all devices are overwritten with 0.
Automatically generates light objects whenever there is no light object between two light scene transitions.
A light ambience is automatically assigned to the respective light object. For this purpose, a new light ambience is created, which is given the name of the first light scene bridge, unless a light ambience with this name already exists.
Note: With the help of this button you can first create the structure of your show (sound objects, scene bridges,...) and then have the light objects created automatically. All you have to do now is set the lamp settings for the respective light ambiences.
Button_DMXDeviceFilter If light objects are selected, the stage view will be opened after clicking on this button.
The lamp filter is adjusted so that only devices that are used in these light objects (dimmer value> 0) are displayed.
If light objects are selected, a click on this button will open the light ambience window. The filter for the light ambiences is set so that only light ambiences that are used in the selected light objects are displayed.
Button_VIP_Add An additional lighttrack is generated
Button_VIP_Remove All light tracks that do not contain light objects are deleted


Button_SceneBridge Creates a new media scene transition at the position of the sound PlayCursor
Button_MainSceneBridge Creates a new main scene transition at the position of the media PlayCursor

Enables or disables the entire media (green = activated, red = disabled)
When a media area is disabled, no image data is rendered by the LiveShow_MediaServer - even if there are media objects
../images/Timeline/Button_MediaFrame.png Opens the media file views of all selected media objects
Button_SoundLoad Opens a media file
Before you use a media file, make sure that the file has a unique name.. Thus, the file is clearly identifiable.
If you load media files with the same names from different locations, this will cause conflicts.

Button_VIP_Add An additional mediatrack is generated
Button_VIP_Remove All media tracks that do not contain media objects are deleted

Changing the recorded time

The scene book (see below) shows the time between two successive scene bridges or the time to the next scene bridge.
In many cases, the time between two scene bridges will not match the time needed in the real show.
Therefore, there is the possibility to count the time when the next scene bridge was switched - see play control.

The recorded time is displayed in the object settings of a scene bridge (double-click on the scenebridge)

The time can also be changed here. If no time has been recorded here, the value is 0. Re-recording the time will override this value!

Scene transitions and the scene book

The scene transitions are used to define the structure (sequence) of your show.
The scene transitions automatically create a scene bookUsing the scene book, you can jump directly to scene transitions and control the entire show.
In the scene book, you can also enter directories, ..


The DMX (light) precalculation in the timeline

In a DMX lighting ambience (see Working with light (DMX)), all DMX values of all lamps are stored. If a light ambience is dragged into the timeline, a light object is created in the timeline. 
If the cursor moves into the light object, then normally all DMX values of the associated light ambience would be transmitted to the lamps. This is not so in the liveSHOWsoftware!

You don't want all settings of a lamp to always go back to 0 when a light object is left. You also don't want all settings to move from 0 to the stored value of the light mood when the cursor moves into a light object.
Actually, it would be desirable if all settings of a light are already at the correct value and with the start of a light object, only the dimmers are faded in and with the end of a light object, only the dimmers are faded out.
For example, the pan/tilt position of a moving head should already be correct before the dimmer is faded in at the start of a light object! Otherwise the moving head would always move from the 0-position to the set position.

The liveSHOWsoftware calculates all settings of the lamps in advance:
A lamp is considered to be on if the main dimmer is > 0.
If the lamp does not have a main dimmer, then all lamp channels that have been marked as dimmer substitutes in the lamp editor are taken into account. For example, if a lamp has only red, green and blue channels, the lamp is on if red > 0 or green > 0 or blue > 0. In this case, the red, green or blue values are then faded in or out instead of a main dimmer.

The pre-calculation happens automatically, as a user you don't have to care about it!

However, there could be exceptions, e.g. if a moving head is only used towards the end of the show, there is e.g. a gobo rotation set there and you don't want the motor for the rotation to run from the beginning of the show.

Trick 1: Force settings of a lamp that is off to specific values:
  1. You create a lighting ambience with the desired values of the lamp and drag this lighting ambience into the desired place in the timeline. In this light ambience, the dimmer value must be > 0!
  2. To prevent the lamp from turning on when the cursor is moved into the light object, deactivate the dimmer of the lamp in this light object.
    To do this, double-click on the light object and in the 'Object properties' window click on the 'Fade settings' tab.
    In the displayed tree of lamps, expand the properties of the desired lamp, select the dimmer property and deactivate it.

Thus, the properties of the lamp are precalculated for this light object (Dimmer > 0), but the dimmer is not faded in, because it is deactivated for this light object.
When leaving the light object, all properties of the lamp are then set as they are needed for the next use of the lamp (Dimmer > 0).

In the above example, you could place the light object from the described trick shortly before the light object at the end of the show.

Note: The light object gets a red frame in the timeline because the fade settings for the light object have been changed and no longer correspond to the default behavior!

Trick 2: Do not precalculate certain settings of a lamp, but fade in or out:

Under certain circumstances, you may not want to precalculate certain properties of a lamp for a light object, but you may want to fade the property in or out.
To do this, double-click on the light object, and in the 'Object properties' window click on the 'Fade settings' tab.
In the displayed tree of lamps, expand the lamp(s) and select the desired properties.
For these properties select 'Disable precalculation'.

For 'Fade In' and 'Fade Out' the exact behavior can still be set.

Note: The light object gets a red frame in the timeline because the fade settings for the light object have been changed and no longer correspond to the default behavior!