DMX Stage view

menu: (../images/Menu/Menu_DMX.png DMX Light) -> (../images/Menu/Menu_DMX_StageView.png DMX Stage view)
All lamps are managed and operated here.
The lamps can be displayed as a picture or in tabular form.

Selecting a lamp
Adding a lamp
    Lamp Type Select
Deleting a lamp
The lamp display in the image view
    Status display/quick selection
    Deactivate controls
The tabular view
Properties of a lamp
The lamp filter
Lamp Tracking
Show usage in timeline
Selection of a lamp / several Lamps
    The lamp mixer
    Simultanious control of several lamps
Retrieve fixed functions
Warning: The live SHOW software is designed to control theater lights.
The use of safety-critical DMX devices (such as flame throwers, pyrotechnics or similar) is your own responsibility, and the author assumes no liability for the use of safety-critical devices.

Selecting a lamp

If you simply click on the middle of a lamp with the mouse, it gets a blue frame and its lamp mixer is shown in the right halfMore details below Selection of one lamp / several lamps.
The operation of the mixer elements is explained under - Operation of control elements

Adding a lamp

On the stage view, lamps can be added or existing lamps can be deleted


Add a lamp. A lamp selection window is opened
Lamp selection window
DeviceSettinngs Opens the lamp properties window of the selected lamp - see properties of a lamp.
Button_DeviceTracking Opens the lamp tracking of all selected lamps - see Lamp tracking
Selects all objects in the timeline that use the selected lamps (with the selected lamps on).
Opens the window of the lamp groups.
In a lamp group, a lamp selection can be saved and restored.
This does not save the lamps themselves, but only the selection made.
DeviceFilter Here the lamps can be filtered according to certain criteria - see lamp filter.
DeviceDelete Deletes all selected lamps.

Lamp Type Select


Here you can select one of all lamp types known for the program.
If the type of your lamp is not listed here, you can use the DMX Device Editor to create the lamp type itself, or check on the liveShow software homepage ( whether it already exists. With the DMX Device Editor there is also the possibility to import lamp types.

A name for the lamp can be set and the DMX address can be set. The DMX address is set by default to the next possible free address, depending on the previous address assignment of the already existing lamps and the number of channels of the lamps to be added. The DMX address can also be changed later.

Name Here you can specify a lamp name.
If you specify multiple lamps in the number, an index is automatically added to the name.
The name can be changed later.
number Here you can specify how many lamps of the selected type are to be added.
If you have specified a DMX universe, the next free DMX start address is automatically selected. If you add several lamps, the next free start address is determined, after which all new lamps can be addressed in sequence.
If no free address is found, address 1 is used.
However, you can specify a different start address at any time.
Add Adds the lamp (s) of the selected type to the stage view, and the settings such as name and DMX address are accepted.
If a lamp is added to the stage view, an identification for the lamp is generated internally (this is not visible). If a second lamp is added, it will have a different identification, even if the lamp has the same lamp type and perhaps the same name
Cancel Cancels the addition of a lamp.

If you have added a lamp, it will be displayed in the top left corner of the screen as a picture.

You can move the image of the lamp in the stage view by holding down the left mouse button.
Note: If you add lamps several times in succession, they will all be displayed one above the other. You should slide each lamp picture to the right position after adding it.

Deleting a lamp

DeviceDelete Deletes allselected lamps
ATTENTION: The lamps are also removed from all light ambiences.

The lamp display in the image view


A lamp is displayed with its image. With the left mouse button pressed, the lamp display can be moved freely in the stage view.

Selection of a lamp
A lamp is selected by simply clicking (in the center of the lamp image).
Further lamps can be selected by pressing the Shift / Ctrl key.

A doubleclick opens the lamp's properties window.

A selected lamp is represented by a blue frame.
If a lamp is selected, its specific mixing console appears in the right part of the window as defined by the lamp editor. With this mixer the values of the selected lamp can be adjusted.
If several lamps are selected, only those control elements (controllers) are displayed in the lamp mixing console, which are available for all selected lamps.

Status display-quick selection
The condition of the lamp is indicated by small squares. These correspond to the status displays of the lamp mixer.
DeviceViewShortChoiceMarked <- MixerShoertChoiceMarked
Clicking on one of the status displays opens a quick selection. In this you can set discrete values quickly.

If DMX presets are defined and if they affect the controller, the DMX presets are also listed. A click on a DMX preset will then set the controller to the values from the DMX preset.

A small box is displayed for each controller of a lamp. If not all boxes are displayed, the row of squares can be moved horizontally with the left mouse button pressed.

Disabled controls / channels of a lamp
Controls that are inactive are displayed with a red frame around the quick selection.
Whether a controller is inactive (disabled) or not is determined by the lamp type - see DMX Device Editor.
You can manually adjust an inactive controller, but the controller value is not changed by the timeline or by playing a jingle.
This is to prevent the special characteristics of a lamp from constantly changing. The deactivation can be canceled in the properties of the individual light objects in the Timeline so that the values are changed when the Timeline is played (see Object Settings).

For the pre-calculation deactivated controllers / channels of a lamp
In the lamp definition, a lamp's controls / channels can only be deactivated for precalculation. These controls have an orange frame around the quick selection.

DisabledAdjustment_DeviceView DisabledAdjustment_Fader
Pre-calculation: The Timeline calculates all channels for all lamps that are not currently being used (dimmer channel = 0). That is, the lamps are set as required in the next use except the dimmer channel. This is determined by the next light object in the timeline, in which the lamp has a dimmer value> 0.
If a controller / channel of a lamp is deactivated only for the precalculation, this is not preset by the Timeline, but fades with a scene transition with.
This setting is determined by the lamp type but can be changed in the object settings for each light object (in the timeline or jingles).

Disabling a lamp
A lamp can be disabled. To do so, click on the green square in the lower right corner.
If the lamp is deactivated, the square is filled with red.
If a lamp is deactivated, the value 0 is sent for all its channel values. Although you can still operate the mixer of the lamp, change its values and store them in light ambiences, these values are not transmitted to the lamp.
This function is useful when e.g. A lamp has been accidentally displaced on the stage, and this lamp is now e.g. The audience blinds!


By clicking on the box with the yellow frame the solo function can be switched on and off. When the solo function is switched on, all other lamps are muted internally (see mute function), and only the lamps with the solo function switched on transmit the values to the DMX universe. In other words, on the stage, only the lamps with the solo function switched on can be seen. If the solo function is activated, the box is filled with yellow color. The controller values are not affected by this, that is, you can store light ambiences and the controller values of the muted lamps are also stored.
By clicking on the box with the pink border the mute function can be switched on and off. When the mute function is activated, 0 is sent to the DMX circuit for the dimmer. You can change the sliders and also store light ambiences, the values are not output.

If a lamp has a dimmer channel, the dimmer value can be increased or decreased (0% - 200%) for the duration of a show.
This can be achieved by moving the mouse over the scale display and turning the mouse wheel or by moving the mouse up or down with the left mouse button pressed.
The value can be entered textually via the "Lamp Properties" window. If the value is set to 100 (%), the display becomes invisible. The Scale function is useful when the show determines that a lamp is set too light or too dark. This function is not available for lamps that do not have a dimmer. The scale setting is not saved when saving the project.

If there is a DMX address conflict to another lamp, a warning is displayed

The tabular view


All lamps are displayed in a table with their name and their DMX address settings.
Some lamp properties, e.g. Name and DMX address (universe, start address, ..) can be changed directly in the table (double-click in table cell, or simply click on list selection, for example Universe).
By clicking on a column header, the sorting can be changed. The columns can also be moved completely at the column heading.

The columns in detail:
Active A lamp can be deactivated or activated (see also deactivation of a lamp)
A deactivated lamp is displayed with a red box.
Name Name of the lamp can be changed by double-clicking the tab cell.
Sektor Some lamps require more than one universe, such a lamp has several DMX inputs (a DMX universe and a start address must be assigned to each input). This is determined by the lamp type (see DMX Device Editor)
If a lamp has several DMX inputs, the lamp also appears several times in the table. Each DMX input is displayed in an extra line.
This can not be changed here!
On% This column indicates whether the lamp is currently being used or not.
The values can be changed.
empty The lamp has a dimmer and is off (dimmer value = 0)
a value The lamp has a dimmer and is ON (dimmer value is shown in percent)
 with orange
The lamp does not have an actual dimmer, but a dimmer replacement and is off (dimmer replacement value = 0)
a value
 with orange
The lamp does not have a dimmer, but a dimmer replacement and is ON (dimmer replacement in percent)
red frame
The lamp has no dimmer and no dimmer replacement, so no statement can be made as to whether the lamp is on or off.
-> Displays the name of the scene transition from which the lamp is reused.
A "-" indicates that the lamp is not used until the end of the project.
It may be that the lamp is currently being used (see "On"), but there is no further scene transition after which the lamp is again on.
solo Here the lamp can be set to solo, see Solo function
mute Here the lamp can be muted, see mute function
Universum Displays the DMX universe. The universe can be changed, a click on the universe name opens a list of all existing universes.
If there is an address conflict with other lamps, the name of the universe is displayed with a red frame for all affected lamps.
Adresse Displays the starting address, this can also be changed by double-clicking the start address.
If there are address conflicts with other lamps, the name of the universe is displayed with a red frame for all affected lamps.
Channels Displays the number of channels that this lamp uses.
Manufacturer Displays the manufacturer of the lamp
Lampentyp Displays the lamp type
Stromquelle The current source to which the lamp is connected is displayed. Clicking on the name of the current source opens a list of all current sources.
If too many lamps are connected to a power source and the power (Watt) of the connected lamps exceeds the power of the current source, the name of the current source is displayed with a red frame.
Power The maximum electrical power of the lamp is shown in watts. This is determined by the lamp definition and can not be changed here.

If there is a DMX address conflict to another lamp, the universes and addresses of the affected lamps are shown in the table with a red frame!
Perhaps you may want to set consciously place several lamps at the same starting address. In this case, do not pay attention to the warning.

Export the list of lamps to an HTML file.
You can easily view this file with a web browser. To edit the file you need a program that can open HTML pages (eg OpenOffice, NVU, Amarath).
The sorting of the table is used for the export. With an active lamp filter, only the filtered lamps are exported.
In the export, the burning time is displayed for each lamp.
For lamps that have several dimmer replacement controls, the burn time per controller is listed and their sum is displayed at the lamp. Thus, the displayed sum of the burning time is not correct for the lamp, but you can estimate the consumption of lamps that need consumables (fog machines, flamethrower).

Properties of a Lamp

By pressing DeviceSettinngs (if only one lamp is selected) or by double-clicking on a lamp, a window opens in which the properties of the lamp (name, universe, start channel, etc.) can be set.
properties of the lamp

The lamp filter

When using many lamps, it is helpful to reduce the appearance of the lamps, here the lamp filter is suitable.
In the image view, all the lamps that have been filtered out will be grayed out.
In the tabular view only the lamps corresponding to the filter criterion can be seen.


Selection of a filter

By clicking on the selection box a list with all filter possibilities opens.

If only a single lamp remains after the lamps have been filtered, the lamp is selected automatically and their lamp mixing console is displayed.
If you filter by lamp groups, all matching lamps are also selected.

If all lamps are to be displayed again, use the lamp filter 'All'.

Invert the filtered lamps
Button Button_DMXDeviceFilter inverts the selected lamp filter. If the inversion is activated, the button is displayed with a red frame.

Select the lamp filter via the search field

The filter selections can be very long with very many light ambiences or lamps.
In the text field to the right of the selection box, you can restrict the number of filters by entering a search text. The search text refers to the name of the filter.
If only one filter is left, the filter is automatically selected.

If there is only one 
ControlGroup_SameValues lamp filter in the list of filters, the filter for this lamp is automatically selected. 
If you assign the names of the universes, lighting moods etc. meaningfully, you can find a specific lamp by entering their names.

The lamps can be filtered according to the following criteria:
All All lamps are displayed.
ControlGroup_SameValues Lamps used Only lamps are displayed which are used either in the timeline or in a jingle (dimmer value> 0).
ControlGroup_SameValues Universe 'xxx' Only lamps that are connected to the selected universe are displayed.
(Whose sector is connected to the universe)
The universe '---' does  mean no universe, so only lamps that are not connected to any universe are displayed.
ControlGroup_SameValues Current Source 'xxx' Only lamps that are connected to the selected current source are displayed.
'---'  does mean no source,
so only lamps that are not connected to any current source are displayed.
ControlGroup_SameValues Timeline Selection If one or more light objects are selected in the Timeline, only lamps that are used in these light objects (dimmer value> 0) are displayed here.
ControlGroup_SameValues Jingle Selection Only lamps are displayed which are used in the selected jingles.
ControlGroup_SameValues Ambience 'xxx' Only lamps that are used in the selected light ambience (dimmer value> 0) are displayed.
ControlGroup_SameValues Lamp Group Selection Only lamps used in the selected lamp groups are displayed.
ControlGroup_SameValues Object Group Selection Only lamos used in the selected object groups are displayed (dimmer value > 0).
ControlGroup_SameValues Lamps 'xxx' Individual lamps can be selected.
ControlGroup_SameValues Lamp type 'xxx' Only lamps of the selected lamp type are displayed.

In the corresponding windows "DMX light ambiences", "Timeline", DMX hardware settings ", ... you will find a button Button_DMXDeviceFilter which automatically opens the stage view and sets the lamp filter accordingly.

Lamp Tracking

If at least one of the lamps is selected, a click on Button_DeviceTracking opens a window in which all selected lamps and their use in lighting scenes or lighting objects are displayed, see Lamp tracking.

Show usage in Timeline

If at least one lamp is selected, all objects in the timeline (Dimmerert> 0) are marked (selected) with a click on Button_TimelineSelection. More specifically, all the objects in the timeline are selected in their light amboence, one of the selected lamps is on.

Selection of one lamp / several lamps

In the Image view
By simply clicking on the image of a lamp
Only one lamp is selected.
The old selection is removed
By simply clicking on the image of a lamp
With the CTRL or Shift key pressed
  • The lamp is not yet selected:
    The lamp is added to the selection.
  • The lamp is already selected:
    The lamp is removed from the selection.
When you press the mouse button outside of the lamp images
And move the mouse over the lamps, with pressed maouse button.
  • The first lamp you drive over is not yet selected:
    Then these and all other lamps are added to the selection.
  • The first lamp you are driving is selected:
    Then these and all other lamps are removed from the selection.
Double click on a lamp image
The properties window of the lamp is opened.

In the tabular view
The selection of lamps in the table view is done by marking the corresponding table lines, which corresponds approximately to the marking as you know it from word processing programs.
A lamp can be selected by a simple mouse click into the corresponding table row, the row is then highlighted blue.
By holding the Ctrl key, individual lamps can be added to the selection.
By holding the shift key, lamps can be selected from - to.
move the mouse over the table rows, with pressed maouse button, these lamps are selected.

The lamp mixer

If only one lamp is selected, its mixer appears on the right side.

If you move a control, the corresponding property of the lamp will be changed.

If the lamp is connected to a DMX universe output, the narrow red bar in front of the controller shows what is sent to the DMX universe.
For example, if a dimmer curve has been set for the controller, the red bar will change according to the dimmer curve.


If the red bar does not move with or is not visible, there is a problem with the DMX universe:

Simultaneous control of several lamps

If several lamps are selected, only the controllers, which are present in all selected lamps, are displayed in the mixer view of the lamps.
In addition, these controls are now grouped, they get a colored frame. When you move a slider, all lamps are affected.


The way in which the change of one controller affects the other of the same functionalities can be adjusted, (the frame also changes around the controllers):
ControlGroup_SameValues All controllers are set to the same value

If you have selected several lamps and move, for example, the dimmer control, the dimmer controls of all other lamps are set to the same value.

Note: for calibrated scanners or movingheads, you can switch the Pan / Tilt control to the virtual view, then all selected lamps are moved to the same point.
Button_ControlGroup_Difference All controllers maintain their difference

If the regulator of the first lamp is 50% and the regulator of a second lamp is 30% and the regulator is 10% higher, it is 60% for the first lamp and 40% for the second lamp.
Button_ControlGroup_Percent All controllers are changed as a percentage

If the regulator of the first lamp is 50% and the regulator of a second lamp is 30% and the regulator is 10% higher, it is 60% for the first lamp and 33% for the second lamp (by 10% Of its current value)
Button_ControlGroup_Assimilate The controllers are adjusted upwards or downwards

If the regulator of the first lamp is 50% and the regulator of a second lamp is 30%, and the regulator of the first lamp slowly moves to 100% or 0%, the regulator of the second lamp travels from 30% to 100% or to 0 % (The values are slowly adjusted)

You can override the controls here, which means you can extend a controller of a lamp over 100% or 0%. The regulator of this lamp will stop at 100% or 0%, but the other controllers move further. As long as you do not change the selection, you can also move the sliders back to the initial state.

Just play around to get familiar with these features.

Note: The order in which you mark the lamps may determine what is displayed in the mixer.
Suppose there are two lamps. The first lamp has an RGB control. The second lamp has three RGB controls (has three RGB segments).
If you first select the first lamp and then the second, you will see an RGB slider segment. For example, if you move the red slider, all red sliders of the second lamp will move.
If you select the second lamp first, you will see three RGB sliders. If the first lamp is now added to the selection, it is not clear how to adjust the first lamp when one of the three red sliders of the second lamp is moved. Therefore NO RGB controls are displayed in this case.

Retrieve fixed functions


In order to switch a lamp on or off in the case of a scanner, or to display a predefined color for lamps, this program has a few fixed functions. This allows the lamp to be switched on or off for all scanners or movingheads. It is possible to set one of the basic colors (red, green, .., cyan, ..) for all lamps which have a color mixing or a color wheel.
The fixed functions are displayed as images and can be called up by clicking either for the selected lamps directly under the lamp mixer or for all lamps in the bottom line.

The fixed functions must be defined in the lamp types (see DMX lamps editor)! If certain functions are not defined in the lamp types, the function images are displayed in gray and can not be clicked.

/Button_Device_DefaultValues Sets the selected lamps / all lamps to the default values, as defined in the lamps definiton (DMX Device Editor).
Button_Device_NullValues Zero all values of selected lamps / all lamps.
FunctionsLampOnOff Lamp on / off for the selected lamps / all lamps, if this function has been defined in the lamp definition.
This is especially the case with scanners / movingheads with discharge lamps.
Icon_ShutterOpen Open shutter if this function has been defined in the lamp definition
FunctionsColor Sets the corresponding color for the selected lamps / all lamps, if this function has been defined in the lamp definition.
Additionally there are the DMX preset buttons
Opens a list of color presets. If a color preset is clicked on, the colors of the lamps (selected lamps) will be adjusted as saved in the color preset.
All other lamp values are retained. If a lamp was not saved in the preset, it is not changed.
Opens a list of position presets. If a Position Preset is clicked, the positions of the lamps (selected lamps) will be set as stored in the Position Preset.
All other lamp values are retained. If a lamp was not saved in the preset, it is not changed.