DMX device settings

(Menu_DMX.pngDMX-Light) -> (Menu_DMX_StageView.pngDMX Stage viewt)

The window is visible by:
Lamp name, ...
DMX Startaddress and Universe
Replace lamp
Dimmer curves
PanTilt calibration (FollowSpot, ...)


Lamp name, ...

Lamp  Name The name of the lamp can be assigned freely, it is used in the DMX stage view and is used to identify the lamp by the user.
Solo By clicking on the box with the yellow frame the solo function can be switched on and off. When the solo function is switched on, all other lamps are muted internally (see mute function), and only the lamps with the solo function switched on transmit the values to the DMX universe. In other words, on the stage, only the lamps with the solo function switched on can be seen. If the solo function is activated, the box is filled with yellow color.
The controller values are not affected by this, that is, you can store lighting presets and the controller values of the muted lamps are also stored.
Mute By clicking on the box with the pink border the mute function can be switched on and off. When the mute function is activated, 0 values are sent to the DMX circuit.
The deactivated channels are not affected by this (other than when the lamp is deactivated). If the mute function is activated, the box is filled pink.
The controller values are not affected by this, that is, you can store lighting presets and the controller values of the muted lamps are also stored.
Scale If a lamp has a dimmer channel, the dimmer value can be increased or decreased in percent (0% - 200%) for the duration of a show. The desired value can be entered in the text field. If the value is set to 100 (%), the scale display becomes invisible in the stage view. The Scale function is useful when the show determines that a lamp is set too light or too dark. This function is not available for lamps that do not have a dimmer.
The scale setting is not saved when saving the project.
Active By clicking the box, a lamp can be deactivated or a deactivated lamp can be activated again. If the lamp is deactivated, the square is filled with red.
If a lamp is deactivated, the value 0 is sent for all its channel values. Although you can still operate the mixer of the lamp, change its values and store them in light ambiences, these values are not transmitted to the lamp.
This function is useful when e.g. On the stage a lamp was moved accidentally and this now blinds the audience or the lamp during the show a defect!

DMX Startaddresse and Universe

Each DMX device in a DMX universe requires a start address. These settings are made on the lamp's hardware and must be reproduced here in the software.
DMX Input Most DMX lamps require less than 512 DMX channels and therefore only one DMXUniversum. There are also lamps, which use more than 512 channels and thus several DMX universes. Or a lamp is composed of several parts, each with its own DMX inputs. The lamp has accordingly several DMX inputs and thus for each input also a different starting address.
Here you can select the lamp input.
The number of inputs is determined by the lamp definition / lamp type.
DMXUniverse Here, you assign the DMX input a DMXUniversum - see DMX Hardware Settings.
DMXAddress Here you assign a DMX start address to the DMX input.
If there are address conflicts with other lamps, this is shown with a red font, the entire setting area is then given a red frame.
DIPSwitches The start address is shown here as a DIP switches setting and can also be changed by clicking on a DIP switch.
ElectricSource Here you can assign a current source to the lamp. The current sources can be defined in the DMX hardware settings.
If too many lamps are connected to a current source (ie, if the maximum power of the lamps
exceeds the power of the current source) this is displayed with a red frame.
According to the name of the current source, their free watts / maximum watts are displayed.

Ok Saves the settings
Cancel Cancels the settings, the old settings are retained.

Replace lamp

One lamp can be replaced by another. This can not be undone.
When replacing the lamp, it is attempted to take as many settings as possible from the old lamp.
In the following figure, the lamp "Lamp2" is replaced by "Lamp1".


ReplacementCombo Here you can select a lamp to take over the tasks.
TrackList Here you can see the lamp track list for the lamp to be replaced and the selected lamp.
The list is explained in more detail in Lamps Tracking.
You can see where the lamp is used. 
 A "-" is displayed in the track list when a lamp is not used.
This button replaces the lamp immediately
  Independent of saving or aborting.
The replacement of the lamp is started here.
The light ambiences and the object settings are copied to the new lamp, but only for lighting / objects in which the replacing lamp is not used by itself (dimmer channel = 0)

A light ambience can serve as a source in several light objects of the timeline and in several jingles. Thus, when replacing the lamp, all values of the light ambience and all light object settings (input / output times, deactivated channels, ...) must be copied.
This copying process is only carried out for the light scenes / objects in which the replacing lamp is not already in use!
(In the above picture, the values of Lamp1 are copied to the replacing lamp Lamp2 only for Scene 5)

You can replace a lamp in principle with any other. All values which have the same or similar function in both lamps are then copied. Replace e.g. A simple par64 by a moving head, then only the dimmer values of the moving head will be set, the other channels you have to rework. You will also have to rework channels for lamps with different functionalities. LampTracking is recommended for the targeted reworking.

If you are replacing a moving head or scanner with another one and are both PanTilt-calibrated (see below for Pan Tilt calibration), the position for the new lamp is converted, that is, After replacing, the new lamp will move to the same location.

Dimmer curves

Dimmer curves can be created for dimmable channels such as a dimmer (dimmer controller) or further infinitely variable dimmable channels such as extra color, speed or, etc (freedimmer controller). Typically all lamps are set to a linear dimmer curve. Exception is when a different dimmer curve has been set in the lamp definition - see DMX Device Editor. This dimmer curve can be overwritten here for each individual lamp.


A dimmer curve is defined by a number of points. The input value is on the x axis and the output value on the y axis. A point at 50% on the x axis and 30% on the y axis would mean that a dimmer controller is set to 50%, but only 30% is sent to the lamp. Since a percentage is too inaccurate, all values are shown in their two byte form. However, the function diagram has percentage values (0..100).

All other values between the points are interpolated as curves.

A point can be selected by mouse click and moved with the mouse as desired.
ATTENTION: If you are not in the editing mode of the Timeline, all value changes (moving a point) are sent directly to the lamp. Thus, you have an optical check on the stage.
You can add or remove any points, except for the two points on the input position 0% and 100%, which must be at least available to describe a complete dimmer curve.

PointMoveYValueText Set the y (output) value of a point
The selected point is set to the set value on the Y axis
The values are always the following:
Percent, total = 256 * higherbyte + lowerbyte, higher byte, lower byte
In the example below, you see the values for 50%.
The higher byte value is always used for the properties of a lamp which only occupies one byte (DMX channel)

To set the value, you can also click the Y ruler of the graphic
NOTE: A point can not be set to a smaller value than the previous point
FixPoint Fixes the points at their x-position
If this is activated (button has a blue frame), you can no longer move the dots in x-direction.
A new mouse click on this button deactivates the fixation
PointMoveX ValueText Set the x (input) value of a point
The selected point is set to the set value on the x axis.

To set the value, you can also click the X ruler of the graphic
ATTENTION: a point can not be pushed out beyond a neighboring point
PointDelete Deletes the selected point
PointAdd Adds a point at the set X position. The y value of the point is automatically set based on the existing curve.
ResetLinear Set the linear curve
Clears all intermediate points from the curve and sets the first point to y position 0 and the last point to y position 100%
PontsAddDistance ValueText Add several points at regular intervals
Adds multiple points with the set value as the distance
Set to the default values of the lamp type Resets the curve as specified in the lamp definition
Load Opens a previously saved curve from a file
Save Saves the current curve to a file

DimmerCurved In addition to the actual control knob, a controller display also has a narrow red bar display, which indicates which value is sent to the lamp.
In the case of a non-linear dimmer curve, the control knob is not necessarily at the same level as the red bar, since a corrected value is sent to the lamp.

Jumps in the dimmer curve

It is possible to set two points in the dimmer curve to the same X position. Thus the y-value jumps when the controller is moved over this X-position. The curve is divided here. With this, a kind of switching on / off can be realized.

Ok Saves the settings
Cancel Cancels the settings

PanTilt calibration

This window is only available if the lamp has a Pan / Tilt property, e.g. Scanners or movingheads.

The calibration allows the scanner / moving head to be moved exactly on one (several) stage surfaces.
In order for this to work, 6 points of a stage area have to be made known to the program for each scanner / movinghead.
The 6 points are: the 4 corners of the stage surface and a horizontal and a vertical center between two corner points.

If you have carried out the calibration for a scanner / moving head, the calibrated (virtual) view of the pan / tilt controller can be used to move the light beam relative to the stage surface.

The calibration makes sense for several reasons:
The calibration, of course, has limitations, e.g. the suspension of the scanners / Movingsheads is extremely changed, here one will have to rework.
The diameter of the light beam may also have to be reworked with the iris or the zoom of the lamp.

DMX Settings Scanner Calibration

Pan-Tilt Settings
Depending on how the lamp is suspended (standing - overhead, horizontal - vertical), it may be necessary to invert the pan channel or tilt channel, or even pan and tilt.

PanTilt exchange:    Exchanges Pan and Tilt (lamp hanging 90 degrees turned on the wall?)
Pan invert:              Inverts the pan channel (lamp is in the stage background?)
Tilt invert:             Inverts the tilt channel (lamp hangs overhead?)

ATTENTION: If you need to exchange Pan / Tilt, you should do so on the softwareside and not on the lamp directly.


With the calibration, you can define any quadrangle (or several contiguous) in the stage space, within this area you can work with the virtual view  DMXControl_PanTilt_ViewSwitch.

The virtual view shows a normalized representation of your stage and the adjacent surfaces. There are a total of 9 surfaces, which you must imagine as a look-out box of your stage. How you interpret these surfaces and which surfaces you really need to calibrate is left to you, you just have to ensure that adjacent surfaces also adjoin in reality.
An idea would be e.g. The middle square as a stage background, the rectangle directly underneath it as a stage floor, the rectangle to the left and right as stage sides, the lowest square as a public space. This is as if you imagine the stage as a look box.

You should make sure that you always interpret the surfaces the same for all your lamps!

You do not have to calibrate all surfaces, you can limit yourself to the relevant areas (for example, the stage background only).

The determination of a stage area (calibration)

You do not need metric (3D) information about your stage, even the suspension position of the lamp you do not need to know.
To calibrate an area, you need to specify and store only 6 points. For direct bounding surfaces, you need less points.

ATTENTION: Please ensure that the maximum pan and tilt angle is specified in the lamp definition - see DMX Device Editor.

Step 1.) Switch the lamp on using PanTilt, invert Pan, Tilt invert so that the lamp beam moves on the stage according to the pan/tilt knob PanTiltCursor.png
That means:
A) The light beam should move horizontally from left to right when you move the slider from left to right.
B) The light beam should move from the bottom to the top when you move the knob from the bottom to the top.

Note: If a moving head (not a scanner) is directly above / below a surface and the moving head is aligned parallel to the surface, this surface can not be calibrated - see step 2!
Step 2.) Move the 4 corners of your stage area one after the other and save them with the corresponding (+) button.
The angle difference (Pan or Tilt) between two points must not exceed 180 degrees.

In practice, this means for movingheads: an area that is parallel under a moving head, you will not be able to calibrate because you would have to move the pan over 180 degrees to get to all 4 vertices. With scanners, however, this is quite possible. A remedy would be to install the movinghead at an angle to the surface.

If you have set a point, the (+) button becomes a (-) button, which can be used to delete the point.
Step 3.) Move to the center between 2 horizontal vertices of your stage area and save this position (+)
The opposite center and the corresponding center of the adjoining surfaces are calculated automatically and can no longer be selected!
Step 4.) Move to the center between 2 vertical vertices of your stage surface and store this position (+)
The opposite center and the corresponding center of the adjoining surfaces are calculated automatically and can no longer be selected!

If everything is correct, the area in the Pan / Tilt control is displayed in color
If an error occurs (for example, angle> 180 degrees or the centers are not between 2 points), the corresponding area is displayed in gray:

Note: For adjacent surfaces, not all points have to be re-defined, the known points are taken over from the already calibrated surface or calculated.

Ok Saves the settings
Cancel Cancels the settings