Sound List

menu (Menu_Sound.png Sound) -> ( ../images/Menu/Menu_SoundList.png Sound Files List)


All sound files that are used in the timeline, in jingles, or whose view are open are listed here.
You can click a sound file and display its use in the timeline.

If sound objects are selected in the Timeline or in the Jingle, their sound files are also selected in the sound file list when the mouse is clicked on the menu item (../images/Menu/Menu_SoundList.png Sound Files List).

Export the list of sound files to an excel file (xls).
You can easily view this file with a web browser. To edit the file you need a program that can open HTML pages (eg OpenOffice, NVU, Amarath).
Button_SoundFrameLoad Opens a sound file.
Button_SoundFrame Opens the sound file views of the selected sound files.
Button_TimelineSelection Shows the use of the selected sound files in the timeline.
If a sound file is selected, all objects in the timeline are selected, which use this sound file and the timeline is brought into the foreground.
ResizeFrame change window size