HierMenu Windows -> RemoteBoard


The RemoteBorad allows a fast access to remote control commands of the liveSHOWsoftware.
The number of displayed fields can be changed and a remote control command can be assigned to each field.
By clicking with the left mouse button on a field, the command is triggered.

The RemoteBoard is also displayed in the Android-RemoteControl.

Note: The RemoteBoard is saved with the project, so it is project dependent.

If the playback of a jingle, a jingle group or a scene bridge is assigned to a field, the following states are displayed with a colored frame:

No Frame The object is not played at the moment.

Green frame
TheObject is being played

Orange frame
Playback of the object was stopped:
  • At a scene bridge one of the cursors waits in front of the scene bridge
  • The jingle or jingle groups has stopped after fading in

Yellow Frame
Only for main scene bridges and jingle groups:
  • Main scene bridge
    At least one timeline cursor plays another scene bridge (SoundLight/Media).
  • Jingle group
    Not all jingles of the jingle group are played, e.g. because they have already run through.

Editing Mode

Opens and exits the settings of the RemoteBoard

X: Adds a new line at the bottom.
Y: Adds a new column to the right margin.
Deletes all empty columns (from the right margin).
Deletes all empty rows (from the bottom margin).
An empty column or empty row means that all fields of the column or row are empty.
A field is empty if it:
  • it has no assigned action and
  • the background is set to transparent and
  • the icon is set to standard icon or no icon and 
  • the text is set to standard text

By clicking with the left mouse button on a field, it is selected and can be changed:

Note: The editing mode is terminated by another click on or when the settings window is closed.

Action A remote control action can be selected in the table.
When the editing mode is terminated, the action can be triggered by clicking the left mouse button.
Removes the assignment of the action

You can enter a search term in the text field above. Only the actions that contain the search term will then be displayed.
If no search text is entered, all actions will be displayed.
Background Transparent: the background of the field is displayed transparently.
A background color can be selected here.
  • No Icon
    only the background color and the text are displayed
  • Standard Icon
    The liveSHOWsoftware has a default icon stored for each action
  • Custom Icon
    a small thumbnail of your own icon is displayed here
    here you can load your own icon
  • No Text
    No text is displayed
  • Standard Text
    The liveSHOWsoftware has stored a default text for each action
  • Custom Text
    Here you can enter your own text.

  • Here you can set the vertical alignment and color of the text.
Deletes all settings of the field. The field is reset to the default settings and is considered empty.
Copies all settings to a clipboard.
The settings from the clipboard are taken over.

Moving fields

In the edit mode fields can be moved by DragAndDrop. Click on a field with the left mouse button, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse cursor over an empty field.
The following rules apply:

Note: All settings are taken directly in the Android remote control!

Note: The RemoteBoard is saved with the project, so it is project dependent.