Media Server

menu (../images/Menu/Menu_Media.pngMedia) -> (../images/Menu/Menu_MediaServer.pngMedia Server)


Here you can create and delete Media Servers, and connect the LiveShow program to a LiveShow_MediaServer program running on the Media Server.
Media is generally not played back by the LiveShow program, but by the LiveShow_MediaServer program.

The buttons:
Button_Plus Creates a new media server.
Button_Cancel Deletes a selected media server.
Button_ComputerShutdown.png This feature is available only when a media server is selected and connected.

Shuts down the computer on which the selected media server is running.

Note, this only works under the following conditions:
  • Windows: The Windows user must be logged on as Administrator (belong to user group administrator).
  • MacOSX: The Mac user must be logged on as root.
  • siehe Program Settings  - Tips
Button_ComputerRestart.png This feature is available only when a media server is selected and connected.

Shuts down and restarts the computer on which the selected media server is running,
Note: With the restart you lose the connection to the media server and have to reconnect it!

Note, this only works under the following conditions:
  • Windows: The Windows user must be logged on as Administrator (belong to user group administrator).
  • MacOSX: The Mac user must be logged on as root.
  • siehe Program Settings  - Tips

The table colums:
Name Here you can assign a name freely.
Verbinden Clicking on this table cell connects the liveShow prgram to the LiveShow_MediaServer program.
If the connection is established, it is disconnected.
Green = connected
Orange = no connection
Yellow = the connection has been lost
GrayConnection did not work (there may be no network connection to the computer running the LiveShow_MediaServer program, or the 'Server IP' or 'Server Port' are incorrect.)
Found This is the list of all media servers that the program has automatically found.
You can select a MediaServer from the list, then the ServerIP and the ServerPort are set.
If no media servers were found, "-" will be displayed.
If MediaServer was found then "..." is displayed and you can select one of them.
Server IP Displays the IP address of the computer on which the LiveShow_MediaServer program is running.
Server Port The port number of the LiveShow_MediaServer program is displayed here.
Computer Displays the name of the computer or IP address on which the LiveShow_MediaServer program is running.
Clean If you click on Icon_Sweep, all media files on the media server that are not currently in use (not being used in the currently loaded project) are deleted.
This can be used to clean up the media server. When you load another project, its media files are retransmitted to the media server.

Note: These settings are saved with the project.

Note: The LiveShow_MediaServer program must be started on the external computer and the computer must be connected to the LiveShow computer via a network (LAN or WLAN). Then the liveShow program automatically finds the media servers.
Alternatively, the LiveShow program and the LiveShow_MediaServer program can run on the same machine. The computer should be powerful (minimum 8GB RAM, try well in doubt).


The liveShow_MediaServer program shows the above screen until the liveShow software connects to it, then the screen turns black.

You can get more help on MediaServer when you start the LiveShow_MediaServer program and then click the Help button.