Quick Start Guide

DMX Light

Editing of objects in the timeline
Szene transitions (scenebridges)

Terms in the software
Playing the Timeline / RemoteControl
Save the project
Export the project


With the help of the liveShow software a stage show can be programmed and played. For programming a stage show, you do not need any programming skills and no knowledge of how hardware mixers work. Everything is graphically created.

In the menu  (Windows -> Timeline) you can open the Timeline window.
The heart of the software is the Timeline. In the Timeline, music pieces, lighting moods and media (pictures, videos) can be arranged, their fade in and fade out times can be set and scene transitions can be defined.
Thus, the entire show, or its expiration, is defined via the arrangement in the timeline - see Timeline.

Timeline_Tracks_Content.pngThe Timeline consists of three areas, each with several tracks:
in the upper section, music pieces can be arranged,
in the middle range light ambiences can be arranged
and media (pictures / videos) can be arranged in the lower area.


Sound data, lighting moods and media data can be added to the three areas, which can then be arranged in the Timeline as independent objects. A project is divided by scene transitions (scene bridges) which have a special functionality - see below.
The three sections of the Timeline can be played independently.
Main scene transitions allow a synchronous start of a scene.


see also- Tutorial Sound

Step 1 Open sound file:
In the menu
 (Menu_Sound.png Sound) -> ( Menu_SoundLoad.pngLoad Sound File), you can open a sound file.
Almost all standard formats can be opened. When you open a video, the sound is extracted automatically.
Internally the liveSHOWsoftware uses the wav audio format (PCM 44100 Hz, 2 channels, signed 16bit, little endian).
If other file formats are opened, they are automatically converted and a wav file is created, which gets the name of the original plus an extension (_PCM_44100_xxx.wav) and is placed in the folder of the original file.

The sound file is analyzed and graphics data are calculated.
Therefore, the first loading of a sound file takes longer.
When the file is loaded, you will see the sound view:


The sound data is displayed as curves. Here you can play the sound file, set cutting marker and specify an area (section).

Step 2 Drag sound to the timeline
To insert the whole sound file or a section (blue area, displayed above) into the timeline, click in the curves or the blue area, hold down the mouse key and drag the whole thing into the Timeline's sound part.


A sound object is now being created in the Timeline. Sound_Object.png There you can set fade in and out times, move the object, etc.
See editing of objects in the timeline

In the sound object, you can set fade in and fade out times, change the volume, etc.
Either you do this via the small squares or double-click on the object, a window opens with the object settings.
This is explained in more detail under Object settings. 
Sound objects can be moved in the timeline, you can set fade transitions and insert scene transitions (scenebridges).
his is explained in more detail under Timeline.

Note 1: In general, when naming your files, make sure the name is unique, the sound files should not just be named 'Track1', but contain the title and the artist in the filename.
Note 2: File names should not contain special characters, umlauts, or punctuation marks (this could lead to problems in the file system of some operating systems).


Light DMX

see also: Tutorial Light
Step 1 Connect DMX interface and add DMX universe:
In the menu ( Settings -> DMX Hardware Settings) you can open the DMX hardware settings window.
There you can add DMX interfaces and create DMX universes.
See: DMX Hardware Settings
Step 2 Add lamps to stage view and adjust light
In the menu(DMX-Light)->( DMX-Stageview) you can open the DMX Stageview window.
There lamps (devices) can be added and adjusted.
See DMX Stageview

Step 3 Create lighting ambieneces and drag lighting ambiences into the timeline
A set light can be stored in a lighting ambience.
A lighting ambience can be dragged into the timeline.
See Tutorial DMX-Light and DMX light ambiences

a) Step 3 explained in more detail - Creating a lighting ambience
In the menu (DMX-Light)->( DMX-Stageview) you can open the stage view.


Here you can add and delete DMX devices to your stage, and change their settings. If you click with the left mouse in the middle of a DMX devices's picture,
a mixer that belongs to the device is displayed in the right part of the window.
You can now adjust the device with the controls on the mixing console.
If you have made this procedure for all relevant devices, you can save this set as a lightambience.
To do this, in the menu (Menu_DMX.pngDMX-Light) -> (Menu_DMXSceneView.pngDMX Lichtambiences), open the window with all the stored lighting settings.

At the bottom left by clicking on the Button_Button_DMXScene_Add.png adds a new light ambience. In the newly created light ambience all currently set lamp values are stored.
You can freely assign the name of the light ambience by double-clicking the name in the table.
If you have selected a saved light (click with the mouse), you can overwrite the selected lighting by the currently set light in the DMX Stageview with the button Button_DMXScene_LightToScene.png.
If you want to control a light ambience, click on the light ambience to select it and then on, the stored lamp values will be sent to the lights.

b) Step 3 explained in more detail - Dragging a lighting ambience into the timeline
You can add a selected light ambience to the timeline by clicking on it with the left mouse button, holding down the button and dragging it into the light section of the timeline.

A light object is now being created in the Timeline. ../images/DMX_Object.png In the light object, you can set fade in and fade out times, change the brightness, etc.
See editing of objects in the timeline


Media (pictures/movies)

see - Tutorial Media

Step 1 Open media file
In the menu (../images/Menu/Menu_Media.pngMedien) -> (../images/Menu/Menu_MediaLoad.pngMediendatei Laden) you can open a media file. Images (JPG, GIF, PNG), texts (rtf, html - with pure text) and videos (many standard formats) can be opened.
When the file is loaded, you will see the  Media view:


The upper part of the window is almost identical to the window of the sound files. Here you see the first, middle and last image of the loaded video, or three times the loaded image.
In the lower section you can see a preview in which the movie will run when you click on the Play button on the left. You can also set edge markers here and define a range.

Step 2 Drag media to the timeline
To draw the entire media file or a section (area, shown in blue) into the timeline, click in the upper part or the blue area, hold down the mouse key and drag it to the media part of the Timeline.


In the Timeline, a media object is now being created: ../images/Media_Object.png In the media object you see the first, the middle and the last image of your movie, text and pictures are displayed three times.

See editing of objects in the timeline

Note: Note 1: In general, when naming your files, make sure the name is unique, the media files should not just be named 'movie1', but contain the title and the artist in the filename.
Note 2: File names should not contain special characters, umlauts, or punctuation marks (this could lead to problems in the file system of some operating systems).

Note: If a video is jerky or hangs, you can use the Video/Sound Converter to convert the video. Usually it helps to select a smaller frame size and/or a lower frame rate.

Editing of objects in the timeline

Moving objects
Only objects that are selected (highlighted in blue) can be moved.
If several objects are selected, these objects can be moved together.

Objects in the timeline
All objects have handles for fade in, fade out,
and volume (for sound objects this is the volume, and for dimmed objects, the dimmer channel is affected, the transparency is set for media objects).

DMXObject_FadersThese handles can be moved with the left mouse.
A double-click resets it to its default position.
The handles snap to object borders of other objects!

In the Timeline there are a number of mouse modes in the upper left corner that help to select objects, remove objects from selection, etc. - see Timeline
The Universal Mode ModusUniversal is set by default.
The objects are divided into invisible areas, which are important for their editing:

DMXObject_AreaThe white bordered areas serve to lengthen or shorten the objects.
A click on the free space between the white areas sets the play cursor to this position if the Universal mode ModusUniversalis set.
A click on the blue framed area selects an object - see also Selecting Objects.
Several objects can be selected by holding down the 'Ctrl' or 'Shift' key.

When you move the mouse over the areas, the mouse cursor changes accordingly.

When an object is selected it is displayed in blue:

Note: A double-click on an object opens the object settings. All object properties can be set there alphanumerically.

Szene transitions (Scenebridges) in the Timeline

Scene transitions are available for the sound, light and media. In addition, there are so-called main scenes transitions, for all three areas sound, light and media together.
The two buttons Button_SceneBridge(scene transition for one area) Button_MainSceneBridge(main transition across all areas) are available in rthe Timeline for the area sound. light and media.
A click on Button_SceneBridge or Button_MainSceneBridgecreates a scene bridge or main scene bridge at the position of the corresponding play cursor.
Scene transitions structure a show, from them a scene book is created, with this the show can also be controlled.


A scene transition has the task of enabling a defined transition from one scene to another scene.
These scene transitions can be played back at any time, the effect is

  • the currently running scenery (no matter where the PlayCursor is currently) will be fadet out
  • the scenery under the scene transition is fadet in
  • main scene transitions synchronize the playback cursors
This allows you to switch from one scene to another scene at any time - see Timeline.

Scene transitions

Scene transitions extend over all tracks and are displayed transparently.

SceneBridge_StopStop filled: The PlayCursor will stop when it reaches the scene transition
NOT filled The PlayCursor will go into the scene transition
SceneBridge_ActiveActive filled: Scene transition is active
NOT filled: The PlayCursor will jump to the next scene transition and skip the deactivated scene transition.
SceneBridge_FadeOutOffsetFadeOut Offset and  End Determine the beginning and the length of the FadeOut operation
SceneBridge_FadeInStartFadeIn-Offset and -Start Determine the beginning and the length of the FadeIn operation

Scene transitions have the same invisible areas as objects:
DMXObject_Area In the upper half of a scene transition, the white bordered areas serve to lengthen or shorten the scene transition.
The remaining area is used to set the PlayCursor or to mark the scene transition, depending on the mouse mode - see 
Selecting objects.

Note: A double-click on an scene transition opens the object settings. All object properties can be set there alphanumerically and the name of the scene transition can be changed.

An arrangement with objects and scene transitions could look like this in the timeline

Terms in the software

Playing the Timeline /Remote Control


  1. To play the Timeline, a field with control buttons is located in the timeline's upper right corner.  Here you can start , stop ,
    jump to next scene/main scene transition  , jump to previous scene/main scene transition .
    The time until the next change (scene transition) is also displayed.
  2. There is an extra window for playing, which also has the possibility of mouse remote control -menu: (Menu_Windows Windows) -> (PlayStart32 Play control)
  3. Via an Android device (smartphone, etc) the playing of the Timeline can be remote controlled very comfortably- menu (../images/Menu/Menu_Settings.png Settings) -> (../images/Menu/Menu_RemoteServer.png Remote Settings) .
  4. The Scenebook offers another way to play a show, here certain scene transitions can be started - menu (Menu_Windows Windows) -> ( Scenebook) .

Save the project

Once a project is created, you can save the project to your hard drive.
It is best to create a separate folder for each project, as a project consists of several files!
1.) Click on the menu: (Menu_Load Project) on (Menu_SaveUnder save Project under)
Select a folder and give the project a filename. The file name is then also used as project name!
The project information is stored in several files. The sound files and media files used remain in the place from where they were opened.
.2.) If the project has already been saved you can simply click on Menu_Save(Save Project).

Copy the project to another computer

To copy the project to another computer or to create a backup, it is not enough to save the project because the sound files and media files can be distributed on your computer.
1.) Click on the menu: (Menu_Load Project) on (Menu_Export export Project)
A window will open where you can specify whether you want to export the entire project or only parts of it. It is also recommended to create an extra folder for export.
After export, all sound files and media files are included in your export folder!
If you created an extra folder for the project when saving your project, you could now simply export the entire project to the same folder and name.
You can now copy this folder, all the necessary elements (the sound files and media files) are included.


Tip: Operation
A click with the right mouse button on an object, button, .. shows the tooltip.
A double-click on an object, device, ... opens a properties window.
A click with the left mouse button and pressing the Ctrl or Shift key allows a multiple selection.

Tip: Further help
There are additional help pages in the menu. (../images/Menu/Menu_Question.png Help).
Among other things, you will find the point 'Show help for the current window', here the help content changes automatically when a window of the software receives the focus.

Tip: Create default project
If you have a fixed set-up, say you have always or mostly the same devices, so the following approach for shows:
Create an empty project that contains all your DMX hardware, DMX extensions, and devices, save it under a project name (e.g., 'MyProject').
If you are planning a new show, first load your empty project ('MyProject'), then create all necessary scenes etc. for the new show and save the project under a new folder and name.
The program checks all objects for equality by comparing an internally assigned ID (this is never seen). This ID is always created when a new object is added (for example a spotlight is added to the stage view, a new DMXUniversum is added, etc). The name of the objects is irrelevant for the equality test!
When you import a project (or the part of a project), all objects of the imported project that do not have the same ID in the existing project are recreated - even if the names should be the same! This means that e.g. can be duplicated.

Tip: Export frequently used scenario combinations
If you take the "Create a standard project" tip, you can export combinations of sound and / or light scenes (for example, thunderstorms, evening mood, final etc.) from already created projects and import them into new projects.
In other words, you can export parts of a project and then import them into other projects.